NU Project 100 - Your Donation, Your Vote!
Have your say in a $10,000 project on campus! You decide!
NU Project 100 is placing the power of philanthropy into your hands!
The purpose of this project is to inspire Northwood University alumni to make purposeful and impactful contributions to our alma mater. Secondarily this program will raise awareness of the needs of student organizations and departments at Northwood University, and provide support for winning ideas.
“Our goal is to make a significant impact in the community through making a larger donation together, than any one individual can.”
Supercharge your giving!
How it works:
- Each member must commit to donating $100 per semester ($200 per year). The group will meet and distribute the funds once each semester. Commit to 3 years ($600) and become a founding member of the NU Project 100 which includes a brick with your name on it in Recognition Park.
- The donations will be given to approved Northwood University student organizations OR departments.
- Each student organization/department that is under consideration will submit a 1 page proposal to the Northwood Alumni Leadership Council. The Council will then choose the top 3 finalists for the live presentations.
- The top 3 proposals will then present their presentations LIVE at the NU Project 100 meeting. The group will vote by ballot and the proposal with majority votes wins the competition.
- All members will cast their vote via a voting app. If you are not able to attend the NU Project 100 meeting in person you may view the live presentations via video conferencing.
- All proposals that are not chosen will remain eligible for the next semester competition.
- Donations must be in hand before your vote can count. We accept automatic deduction via ACH or credit card.
- Each semester the cumulative amount of donations will be awarded to the winning proposal.
- Founding Member - $100 per semester for 3 years (6 semesters, $600 total). Paid in increments of as little as $50 (minimum) per quarter via automatic credit card billing or ACH withdrawal (on the first Tuesdays in January, April, July and October, for example). If you choose an installment plan, you will be asked to choose the # of payments you want to make. If you want your payments to equal $50 each time, choose 12 payments. For $100 each time, choose 6 payments. It is up to you.
- One time donation - $100